Saturday 18 Jan 2025 04:10:47 IST
Azadi   Indian Handloom Brand

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The “India Handloom” Brand (IHB) was launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India on the occasion of First Handloom Day on 07.08.2015 to endorse the quality of the products in terms of raw material, processing, weaving and other parameters besides social and environmental compliances for earning the trust of the customers.  The “India Handloom” brand would be given only to high quality defect free authentic handloom products for catering to the needs of thoseconsumers who are looking for niche handmade products.  The “India Handloom” Brand is aimed at generating a special market space and increased earnings to the weavers.  Thus the concept of “India Handloom” is to brand the handloom products, which are exclusively catering to the “quality”, need of the socio-environmentally conscious consumer.


1 Arni Silk Saree 96 Linen Dress Material
2 Aruppukottai Cotton Saree 97 Linen Furnishing Fabric
3 Aruppukottai Cotton Saree 98 Madhavaram Cotton Saree
4 Ashawali Brocade Silk Dress Material 99 Maheswari Cotton Silk Dress Material
5 Ashawali Silk Saree 100 Maheswari Saree
6 Assam Silk Saree 101 Makhela Silk Dress Material
7 Atobi Cotton Bed Sheet/Bed Cover 102 Mangalgiri Cotton Dress Material
8 Awadh Jamdani Cotton Saree 103 Mangalgiri Saree
9 Balarampuram Cotton Saree 104 Mashroo Cotton-Silk Dress Material
10 Balarampuram Dhoti 105 Matka Noil Home Furnishing Fabric
11 Baluchari Silk Saree 106 Molakalmuru Saree
12 Banaras Brocade Silk Saree 107 Muga Silk Dress Material
13 Banaras Butidar Dress Material 108 Nagercoil Cotton Dhoti
14 Banaras Cutwork Silk saree 109 Narayanpet Cotton Saree
15 Banarasi Butidar Silk Saree 110 Narayanpet Silk Saree
16 Banarasi Cutwork Fabric 111 Natural dyed Cotton Plain fabric
17 Bath mat - Home Furnishing 112 Natural dyed Cotton Denim fabric
18 Begumuri Cotton Saree 113 Noil Silk Stole/Scarf/Dupatta
19 Berhampuri Silk Saree 114 Odisha Ikat Cotton Dress Material
20 Bichitrapuri Cotton Saree 115 Odisha Single Ikat Saree
21 Bomkai Saree 116 Organic Cotton Dress Material/Fabric
22 Chanderi Cotton Silk Dress Material 117 Organic Cotton Natural dyed Denim fabric
23 Chanderi Saree 118 Organic Cotton Sari
24 Chendamangalam Dhoti 119 Paithani Dupatta/Stole/Scarf
25 Chettinad Cotton Saree 120 Paithani Saree
26 Cotton Bed Sheet / Bed Cover 121 Paithani Saree
27 Cotton Denim Dress Material 122 Paramakudi Cotton Saree
28 Cotton Dhoti 123 Pashmina Woolen Stole/Scarf/Dupatta
29 Cotton Dress Material 124 Patan Patola
30 Cotton Dupatta/Stole/Scarf 125 Pattu -Cotton Dress Material with extra weft
31 Cotton Eri Silk Saree 126 Place Mat
32 Cotton Ghicha Silk Dress Material 127 Pochampally Ikat Bed Sheet
33 Cotton Jamdani Dupatta/Stole/Scarf 128 Pochampally Ikat Cotton Dupatta/Stole/Scarf
34 Cotton Linen Dhoti 129 Pochampally Ikat Silk Dress Material
35 Cotton Linen Dress Material 130 Pochhampally Ikat Dress Material
36 Cotton Linen Home Furnishing 131 Pochhampally Ikat Saree
37 Cotton Linen Suiting 132 Rib Mat
38 Cotton Lungi 133 Rugs
39 Cotton Mulmul Saree 134 Runner
40 Cotton Pattu Shawl 135 Salem Silk Dhoti
41 Cotton Pattu-Shawl/Chadar 136 Salem Silk Saree
42 Cotton Shirting/Dress Material 137 Sarangpur Chiffon Saree
43 Cotton Terry Towel 138 Seer Sucker Dress Material/Home Furnishing Fabric Material
44 Cotton Tussar Silk Fabric 139 Shantipuri Cotton Saree
45 Cotton White Denim Fabric 140 Shaphee Lanphee
46 Cotton Yoga Mat 141 Siddipet Gollabama Saree
47 Covai Cora Cotton-Silk Saree 142 Silk Angavastram
48 Covai Silk Saree 143 Silk Cotton Duppatta
49 Crepe Dress Material 144 Silk Fabric
50 Cut shuttle Durry 145 Silk Ikat Saree
51 Dhaniakhali 146 Silk Ikat Stole
52 Dhaniakhali Cotton Saree 147 Silk Linen Ikat Dress Material
53 Dharmavaram Pavadas 148 Silk Linen Ikat Saree
54 Dharmavaram Saree 149 Silk Melchathu Vasthram
55 Dindigul Cotton Saree 150 Silk Shirting
56 Dupion Silk Fabric 151 Silk Stole/Scarf/Dupatta
57 Eri Furnishing fabric 152 Silk Uttariyyam Vasthram
58 Eri Silk dress material 153 Siruvanthandu Silk Saree
59 Eri Silk Saree 154 South Cotton Saree
60 Eri Silk Shawl 155 Tanchoi Silk Dress Material
61 Eri Tussar Dupatta/Stole/Scarf 156 Tanchoi Silk saree
62 Gadwal Saree 157 Tangail Cotton Saree
63 Gheecha Saree 158 Tangaliya Cotton Dress Material
64 Gheecha Silk Shawl 159 Tangaliya Cotton Muffler
65 Gujarat Single Ikat Saree 160 Tangaliya Shawl
66 Gujrat double Ikat sari 161 Tasar Balkal Fabric
67 Guledgudd Khana 162 Tasar Dupion Fabric
68 Home Furnishing fabric 163 Tasar Dupion Silk Stole
69 Ilkal Saree 164 Tasar Eri Silk Dress Material
70 Jamdani Cotton Saree 165 Tasar Ketia fabric- Home furnishing
71 Jamdani Silk Saree 166 Tasar Ketia Silk Dress Material Material
72 Jharkhand Par Saree 167 Tasar Silk Saree
73 Kancheepuram Silk Saree 168 Tasar Silk Stole/Scarf/Dupatta
74 Kani Pashmina ShawlKani Pashmina Shawl 169 Terry Towel
75 Kannur Shirting/Cotton Dress Matarial 170 Thirubuvanam Silk Saree
76 Karvati Silk Saree 171 Towel
77 Kasagod Cotton Saree 172 Tussar – Ghicha Stripe Stole/Scarf Scarf
78 Ketia Silk Shawl 173 Tussar – Ghicha Noil Silk Dress Material
79 Khandua Saree 174 Tussar Ghicha Silk Dress Material
80 Kinnori Shawl 175 Tussar Noil Fabric
81 Kollegal Silk Saree 176 Tussar Noil Silk Doria Stole
82 Koorainadu Saree 177 Tussar Silk Dress Material
83 Kora Silk - Cotton fabric 178 Tussar Silk Dupatta
84 Kora Silk Dupion Dress Material 179 Tussar Spun Fabric
85 Kora Silk fabric 180 Tweed
86 Kota Doria Cotton-Silk Dress Material 181 Uppada Cotton Saree
87 Kota Doria Dupatta/Stole/Scarf 182 Uppada Jamdani
88 Kota Doria Saree 183 Uppada Jamdani Silk Saree
89 Kotakonda Silk Saree 184 Venkatgiri Cotton Saree
90 Kotpad Saree 185 Vilandai Cotton Saree
91 Kotpad Stole/Scarf 186 Wangkhei phee Shawl/Muffler
92 Kullu Shawl 187 Woolen Muffler
93 Kullu Stole 188 Woolen Stole
94 Kuthampally Cotton Saree 189 Y N Hosakote Silk Saree
95 Leno Curtain Fabric 190 Yoga Mat


Visitor No. 2967309 l Last Updated: 12 Jan 2024