Wednesday 19 Feb 2025 02:47:21 IST
Azadi   Indian Handloom Brand

EOI for Production and Retailing of Garments under IHB


Office of the Development Commissioner for Handlooms
Government of India
Ministry of Textiles
1.         Introduction
1.1       India Handloom Brand (IHB) has been launched by the Govt. of India to endorse the quality of the handloom products in terms of raw material, processing, embellishments, weaving, design and other parameters besides social and environmental compliances.  The IHB is given only to high quality defect free product to cater to the needs of those customers who are looking for niche handmade products.  Office of the Development Commissioner for Handlooms, New Delhi invites ‘Expression of Interest’ (EOI) from reputed Garment manufacturer-cum-Retailers for registering their garments under India Handloom Brand (IHB) and retailing of IHB Garments in their own chain of retail stores.
2.         Scope of Work
2.1       The Garment manufacturer-cum-retailer has to apply for registration under ‘Garment Manufacturer’ category of the IHB.  For registration of ‘Garment Manufacturer’ category under IHB, the Garment manufacturer has to apply in the prescribed format to the concerned Weavers’ Service Centre, O/o Development Commissioner for Handlooms along with an undertaking in the prescribed format that he/she/entity will use the IHB fabrics sourced from the India Handloom Brand registered manufacturers and will use the embellishments as per the IHB standards.  The applicant has to remit registration fee as applicable.  On successful registration, the applicant will be issued IHB registration no.
2.2       The Garment manufacturer-cum-retailer will mandatorily affix label with IHB logo and registration number on their products so that the customer can track the genuineness of IHB label. The registration is valid for 3 years and has to renew thereafter by following the above said procedure.
2.3       The Garment manufacturer-cum-retailer must have chain of retail stores and they should set aside an exclusive area for showcasing IHB branded products only. 
2.4       Office of Development Commissioner for Handlooms will facilitate the sourcing of IHB fabrics from the IHB registered manufacturers and promote the marketing of IHB garments in the stores through publicity in various media.
3.         Duration
3.1       The Partnership will be valid for 2 years from the date of approval.  The Partnership will be reviewed after a period of 2 years for further extension depending on sales achieved and commercial terms offered to the IHB handloom fabric manufacturers.
3.2       Either party will be at discretion to discontinue the arrangement with one month notice after which store will not use IHB logo.
4.         Eligibility Criteria
4.1       The applicant should be a reputed Garment manufacturer and own chain of retail stores and should be company/Institution/legal entities in India.
5.         Submission of EOIs
5.1       EOIs may be submitted by the reputed Garment manufacturer-cum-Retailers in a sealed envelope clearly marked “EOI for the Branding and Retailing of IHB garments”.  The EOI must be submitted on the letter head of applicant to Shri M.C.Gupta, Additional Development Commissioner for Handlooms, Room No. 57 C, Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi.
5.2       The EOI must include the following:
a)     Detailed profile of the Company/Institution/legal entity.
b)     Brand Name of the Chain of stores owned by the Company/Institution/legal entity
c)   No. of years and details of experience in the field of branding and marketing of garments.
d)     No. of retail stores with full address of the location of stores.
e)    Sales turnover from the retail stores of the Company/Institution/legal entity for the last 5 years.
6          Selection Procedure
6.1       EOIs will be selected by the Evaluation committee appointed by the Development Commissioner for Handlooms
DC (Handlooms) reserves all the rights to reject or accept any/all EOIs without assigning any reason, whatsoever.  DC (Handlooms) takes no responsibility for the delay, loss or non receipt of any submission or letter sent by post, within the prescribed time period.  For any clarification, please contact at 011-23062238.  Any dispute in this respect shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts at Delhi/New Delhi.

Visitor No. 2995809 l Last Updated: 12 Jan 2024